Mornay Johnson
Mornay Johnson, esteemed international speaker, published author, entrepreneur, business consultant, and no stranger to philanthropic and humanitarian projects, has made it his life goal to empower others to live a life of extraordinary meaning and purpose. Known for his evangelistic heart and keen prophetic gifting, this unique combination enables him to encourage others in pursuing their dreams and life-achievements. Mornay was born in South Africa, in 1989, a radical encounter with the Lord left an indelible mark on life. Since then,
this licensed and ordained minister founded Mornay Johnson Ministries and theREV2.0, and has amassed extensive ministry experience through street outreaches, evangelistic crusades, prophetic ministry, conferences, Christian television and radio.
Angelah Johnson
Co-founder & Music Director
Angelah Johnson, a well-respected worship leader, entrepreneur, ordained minister and co-founder of Mornay Johnson Ministries and theREV2.0, has traveled throughout North America and abroad singing and leading worship with various worship bands. Angelah is known for her artistic expression and passionate heart for music; using her gifts to lead people into the presence of God. Angelah has been involved in multiple facets of media and music ministry including musical theater, film, television, concerts, radio and modeling. Angelah's passion for Christian arts motivates her to see the entertainment mountain redeemed for the glory of God. She also desires to see others walk in divine health and Godly self-image.
"Thanks Mornay, for inviting us to launch out on God's sea of adventure and possibility, and reach for the prize of that high calling!"
-- Mark Chironna
Whether its state, national or international, MJM crusades are designed to have maximum impact in your region. Preaching of the gospel with signs and wonders following. Revival crusades to spark city and regional transformation.
Focused, strategic sessions, designed to dovetail with your ministry for maximum synergy. Anointed, powerful preaching and ministry for maximum effectiveness. Broad range of topics to cater to your specific audience.
Resources to equip and empower the believers for effective ministry. Help bring Biblical understanding for effective living. Anointed preaching to build faith.
Connecting to the heart of God through anointed praise and worship. Unleashing warfare against the enemy through the revelation of Christ and the mysteries of the Kingdom.
Prophetic consultation for ministries, businesses and entrepreneurs, enabling them to align their business models with Biblical principles and Holy Spirit strategies - for greater effectiveness, optimization and profitability.
Upcoming Bible School launch...
Stay tuned for more details...